35 young apprentices join our operations in the Huasco Valley

In order to enhance the value of its processes through new perspectives and contribute to the development of young local talent, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) held the entrance ceremonies for the Apprentices 2021 program, composed this time 35 applicants who will deploy their skills in the operations of Los Colorados Mine, Pellet Plant and Puerto Guacolda II, located in the commune of Huasco.
Prior to the respective access to the sites, the apprentices were part of an annual program of remote training. During this period, they reinforced competencies focused on the company’s operational model, Process Risk Management (PRM). Additionally, a pre-contract training of 340 hours was conducted on mine and plant equipment maintenance.
In this regard, CMP’s Superintendent of Social and Human Development, Claudio Castro, said: “after solid training at home, the time has come for the young people to enter the field to acquire the necessary skills and join the industry in the near future”, adding that “they represent an engine of change and contribute to the incorporation of new ideas and new leadership”.
At the entrance ceremony, Mina Los Colorados Plant Superintendent, Pablo Espinoza, said that “it is very important for us to be able to resume this activity in person, which is historic in the company. We are grateful to have apprentices in the field and to be able to develop their skills in the first working hours after completing their studies. We will always be open to new and different perspectives that allow us to enrich our processes”.
Camila Acuña, on behalf of the trainees, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to work at Mina Los Colorados, saying that “the company opened a new window of opportunity to the world of work, where the personal aspects of each one of us combine with the knowledge acquired to put maximum energy into this project”.
For his part, apprentice Franco Hernández, who will work in the electrical maintenance area of Puerto Guacolda II, emphasized the flow of knowledge that is generated in this type of instance. “I did my internship at the Pellet Plant, where, in addition to learning about the process, I found a great disposition. There is an exchange of cultures, between us who have just recently absorbed information and people with vast experience who know how to guide us. This makes you grow, not only as a worker but also as a person”, he said.