We open the doors of our sites through the renewed ‘Open House’ program.

In September of last year, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) opened the doors of its operations to the communities and organizations of the territories of which it forms part.
The initiative took its first steps at the Pellet Plant and Puerto Guacolda II, where members of the executive committee had the role of guiding the visits, highlighting the main operational and environmental improvements, as well as upcoming sustainability projects.
Over a period of approximately two months, the worksites located in the port of Huasco received the National Iron and Steel Federation; teachers from the Mireya Zuleta, José Miguel Carrera and Japón schools; workers’ families; and members of the Professional Directive Plant (PDP) union.
Subsequently, the renewed program was replicated at the Magnetita Plant, welcoming pyro-mechanical workers from Tierra Amarilla and the San Javier mine, which is located next to the largest circular economy mining project in Chile.
Each of the people who visited the operations appreciated the tours, underlining the transparency of the information provided and the proximity of the hosts when presenting and answering questions about the CMP processes.
Recently, in April of the current period, the respective superintendencies planned the entry of social organizations from Guayacán to the port of the same name, cordially receiving the neighborhood councils José Tomas Urmeneta and N°13.