CMP showcased good community relations practices at Cesco Week

CMP showcased good community relations practices at Cesco Week
The Relationship and Shared Value manager was part of the panel “Communities, permits and environment”, where she shared her experience, best practices and the decarbonization process, among others.
Conflict resolution, mediation and regulations were the topics addressed the Relationship and Shared Value Manager of Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Macarena Herrera, who had an outstanding participation in the first day of Cesco Week 2024, where she was part of the conversation panel “Communities, permits and environment”, part of the Seminar “Excellence in Mining Project Management”.
“This is the third year that CMP has participated in Cesco and it is the second year that we are part of the panels, so we are very happy to be able to share CMP’s experience in the different trends in the mining industry,” said Herrera.
On the occasion, the manager presented the company’s strategies in terms of community relations, best practices and environmental issues, such as decarbonization and conflict resolution.
“CMP’s strategy is to be part of the territory, that 98% of our workers and collaborators live in the area where we operate, to be able to count on the development of local suppliers makes us part of the territory and therefore this has been our strategy and will continue to be our strategy for the growth and development of our business”, said the executive.
In this regard, he emphasized that the mining industry had the challenge of relating to the territory and the communities, which were becoming increasingly empowered and knowledgeable. Therefore, the best practices that CMP has adopted have been based on international standards.
“The important thing is not only to say that we do it well, but to actually do it well,” emphasized CMP’s Relationship and Shared Value manager, who referred to the increase in demand from the territories, environmental requirements and Chilean legislation.
On the other hand, in environmental matters and conflict resolution, he said that the key was to maintain permanent communication and consultation with the communities. “Also the measurement of scenarios, positions and the capacity we have to understand the needs of the community and translate them into development projects in different areas, in productive development, health, education, which are the issues that interest the community today,” said Herrera.
CMP was also present at the inauguration of the event, now in its 27th version, which was attended the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, the Minister of Economy, Nicolás Grau, the Undersecretary of Mining, Suina Chauán, the Director of the SEA, Valentina Durán, as well as businessmen and managers of different international mining companies.