CMP implements fiber optics in educational establishments of Huasco

The installation, executed by Entel, allows the connection of up to 380 users per site.
In order to strengthen the educational processes of the future young talents of the territory, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) implemented fiber optic connectivity and access points at the Liceo Japón and the José Miguel Carrera School in Huasco.
The initiative, carried out the company Entel, allows the connection of up to 380 users in each student campus, with an optimum level of navigation. This is a significant milestone considering that the surrounding area of the port community has difficult access to information networks.
To celebrate the implementation, members of the company’s executive committee were present at the schools, where they were received the direct beneficiaries, young people and children, together with the respective directors and teachers of the educational communities, with which the company maintains a close bond of collaborative work and shared growth.
In this regard, the Administration and Finance Manager of CMP, Carlos Sepúlveda, explained that “this is a project that we developed in support of Entel, in which we committed to implement wireless connectivity to facilitate the learning of future talents. To this end, we also installed three Wi-Fi antennas, each with a support of 128 users, making a total of 384 per site”.
Meanwhile, CMP’s Deputy Manager of Huasco Valley Operations, Karla Caballero, said: “We are committed to the territory and to move forward hand in hand with our neighbors; proof of this is the opening of this connection that will allow students to access technologies and trends that are now latent in the industry and in everything they want to be in the future.
The principal of Liceo Japón, Pedro Boglio, thanked the initiative, describing it as “a long-standing desire, not only for the school community but for Huasco in general because we have very poor connectivity. Today we celebrate an important milestone and we are grateful to be benefited CMP, which has a strategic look to work with our establishment. I have no doubt that this implementation will strengthen teaching practices at the management level and student learning”.
Words in line with those of Aracely Espinoza, president of the student center of the aforementioned high school. “This is a great opportunity for the students of the technical and professional careers, they needed it very much and I know they will take advantage of it to have access to more information and faster classes.
I know that they will take advantage of it to have access to more information and faster classes,” she said.
In turn, the principal of the José Miguel Carrera School, Inés Mamani, said: “as an educational community we are really very happy, especially for our children, since the internet in Huasco is of poor quality. This fiber optics, which is the result of collaborative work with CMP, will allow us to optimize class preparation times, speed up the ministry’s didactic and digital resources, and facilitate teacher training”.