Earth Day: highlighting the progress of our sustainability projects

Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP), the country’s main iron ore producer, has been developing a comprehensive environmental improvement plan over the last few months, applicable to its three operating valleys, Copiapó, Huasco and Elqui. This effort, which takes on special relevance on Earth Day, is part of its commitment to create a different and sustainable mining industry, in line with the growth of the territory and its people.
In the Huasco Valley, for example, CMP has introduced a series of improvements in the operation of the Pellet Plant, allowing a substantial reduction in atmospheric emissions. In this line, the implementation of a second electrostatic precipitator, currently in white run, which captures particulate matter emissions, helping to improve air quality in Huasco, stands out.
This has been evidenced in the latest environmental report prepared by the government, which shows that both PM10 and PM2.5 emissions are below the levels considered critical.
At the end of last year, the company also announced the change of its fuel supply system to natural gas, which will also contribute to this objective. In addition, two 100% electric vehicles were added to its fleet of transport buses, in addition to the start-up of a new electric shovel at Mina Los Colorados. The future Filtered Tailings Facility (DRF) project will also operate a fleet of electric trucks.
“The studies we have carried out indicate that the measures we have adopted are giving positive results, and encourage us to continue on this path, seeking new ideas to improve our processes, making them more efficient and sustainable, reaffirming our commitment to develop a different kind of mining and to promote development together with the community, which is reinforced by the commemoration of Earth Day,” said CMP’s general manager, Francisco Carvajal.
Another relevant line is the reduction in fresh water consumption. Currently, 47% of CMP’s processes are carried out with desalinated water, which allows water consumption to be 33% lower than the industry average.
“Our commitment to reducing fresh water consumption is very important and crosses all our operations. At CMP we have the objective of reducing the consumption of this valuable element by a further 30%,” added the company’s general manager, Francisco Carvajal.
In Copiapó, in turn, the operation of the Magnetite Plant, one of the largest industrial recycling plants in the country and in Latin America, has been strengthened, which reprocesses mine tailings to extract iron ore, thus contributing to remediate a historical liability in the Norte Chico region.
In Guayacan, Elqui Valley
In the Elqui Valley, CMP is implementing an improvement plan at the Port of Guayacán, through the installation of closed conveyor belts, replacement of mailboxes that receive material, and replacement of critical infrastructure for the operation. Electric buses are also being introduced for employee transportation.