Students from rural schools in La Serena participate in an interactive visit to Fray Jorge Park for Environmental Month

As part of the activities to commemorate Environment Month, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) visited the Bosque Fray Jorge National Park together with three rural schools in La Serena. The day was attended the schools El Romeral, Punta de Teatinos and El Chacay, as well as families from CMP’s collaborating companies.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to explore the hydrophilic forest trail in an interactive way, where they were able to learn about the various species of flora and fauna that inhabit this natural area, as well as learn about the research field that is being developed in the place, with the collaboration of professionals from the University of La Serena.
“We visited this beautiful park to celebrate and raise awareness about caring for the environment, as well as to teach about its preservation. For us, it is of utmost importance to transmit these values to current and future generations, because it is in line with our purpose of contributing to the sustainable development of the territories near our operations,” said Javiera Farías, head of the environment at CMP’s El Romeral Mines.
The students’ testimonies reflected curiosity, interest and enthusiasm during the visit. Javiera Abatte, from the Punta de Teatinos school, reported that “everything was green; the trees, the plants, and there were many with strange names”. Bastián Rojas, from El Chacay school, shared that “what I liked most were the trees on the path while we were walking”.
For Alejandro Vidal, from the El Romeral school, the visit was an entertaining experience for him and his classmates, since “it was good, they told us very funny things. We learned a lot”; while for Fernanda Vega, daughter of a Resiter collaborator, the tour “I liked it a lot because I learned about nature and discovered plants that I didn’t know before”.
Another participant was the director of the El Romeral school, Juan Frívola, who described the visit as “a magnificent activity to celebrate the environment”. He also expressed his joy as an educational community to have an experience guided professionals from the University of La Serena. “It was comforting for the children of the school to strengthen their ecological awareness,” he said.