New application process for entrepreneurship and sports funds in Huasco has begun.

Committed to the shared growth of the territories, and for the third consecutive year, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) invites entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and athletes from the province of Huasco to apply for its ‘Emprende’, ‘Reactiva’ and ‘Vive el Deporte en Huasco’ funds, respectively, which have a financing amount of up to 1 million pesos.
In the case of the ‘Emprende’ fund, whose objective is to support the formulation of a project to implement a business idea or strengthen an existing one, it is aimed at entrepreneurs from Huasco without starting activities in the first category before the SII, and those from Freirina and Vallenar who are enrolled in the CMP’s Acción Emprende program.
The ‘Reactiva’ fund is aimed at micro-entrepreneurs in Huasco who have started their activities in the first category before the SII, and those in Freirina and Vallenar registered in the Accion Emprende program, who have been economically affected by the consequences of the covid-19 health emergency. Seeking in this way to boost community commerce.
In turn, the ‘Vive el Deporte en Huasco’ fund, which aims to promote the practice of sports in an inclusive manner and strengthen collective values; facilitate the acquisition of equipment; and contribute to the projection of local talent, can apply to non-profit sports organizations in the commune, which have legal personality, current directory and are registered under laws 19,418, 20,500, 19,712 and 19,862.
Those interested in receiving funding for these initiatives should request the bases and application form to the following e-mail address Or in person at the Territorial Management Office CMP Valle del Huasco, located at Serrano Street # 236, by scheduling an appointment through the aforementioned mail.
The application form will be received by CMP until August 31, and the application form will be received by CMP until September 30.
In this regard, Yasmina Cortes, CMP’s Territorial Management Superintendent, underscored the objectives pursued by the funds. “From the heart of our processes, we are committed to contributing to productive diversity and the reactivation of the local economy; In addition to promoting and strengthening the very important sporting practice in the
commune of Huasco. All this in order to grow together in sustainable development,” he said.
Evelyn Parra, head of Territorial Management CMP Valle del Huasco, explained that “since 2020 we have financed a total of 88 initiatives, which have allowed us to create new ventures, strengthen businesses affected by the pandemic, and encourage the realization of championships and contribute to the professional development of our flagship athletes in the commune. We are witnesses that the beneficiaries have made good use of the financing, generating an important dynamism in the territory”.
With the objective of informing and orienting potential applicants, Compañía Minera del Pacífico is holding workshops in the commune of Huasco. The first two, which covered the ‘Emprende’ and ‘Reactiva’ funds, were held this Wednesday in a double day, at 15.00 hours at the Los Olivos de Bellavista plot and at 18.30 at the Guacolda Sports and Cultural Club.
However, there are still two more to be carried out. On August 30, at 6:30 p.m. at the Guacolda Sports Center, queries will be addressed regarding the ‘Vive el Deporte en Huasco’ fund. The following day, on the 31st, at the same time and place, outstanding doubts will be resolved regarding the totality of the funds.