We started professional internships for students in the Atacama and Coquimbo regions.

The 2023 process began with 89 students from technical-professional high schools and 44 university students in the country.
133 students from technical high schools and universities will begin their internship at CMP’s operations in the Copiapó, Huasco and Elqui valleys. After a pleasant welcome ceremony, the students were sent to their corresponding areas, from where they will develop a two-month process that will allow them to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the classroom, thus advancing in their academic studies and completing their careers, respectively.
Francisco Carvajal, General Manager of CMP, pointed out that “this process, which is carried out every year, has become a tradition for us, inviting students from both high school and university careers related to our processes to do their professional internships; and very focused on the territories with the entities that are close to our sites. It is very important because we are building a relationship with the students, getting to know what they have learned and allowing them to internalize the company’s work”.
This initiative is part of the company’s “Vínculo” project, which includes professional internships throughout the year for nine high schools in the Atacama and Coquimbo regions.
Herman Torres, who is in his fourth year of Chemical Civil Engineering at the Universidad Federico Santa María, commented: “It is very satisfying to be able to do my internship at CMP.It is extremely satisfying to be able to do my professional internship at CMP. I am very grateful and surprised by the reception we have had, especially for the affection that emanates from the people who are organizing it. I think it will be a very pleasant experience, where I will take advantage of deepening the knowledge I already have and have a more direct approach to the mining industry in Chile”.
Ignacio Portilla, a student of Civil Mining Engineering at the Universidad de Atacama, added that “I am very grateful to CMP for allowing me to do my internship at their company. I hope to be able to reinforce my knowledge at the university and get the most out of the company’s professionals”.
An important actor in the “Vínculo” project is the José Santos Ossa High School in Vallenar. In this regard, Serenity Núñez, an Industrial Chemistry student at the institution, said that “it has been very important for me, because with this I will be able to get ahead and be someone in life when I complete my studies. After obtaining my professional technical degree, I want to continue studying and start working at CMP”.
Ayleen Gómez, who also belongs to this academic institution, emphasized that “for me it is very important because I will be able to obtain my technical degree in chemistry. I imagine that it will be a good experience and I will be able to continue growing”.
It should be noted that this internship process is carried out year after year, in all seasons, increasing the number of places during the summer season, since the students are on vacation and resume their classes in March. It should also be noted that during the beginning of this process the students received the respective safety talks and were given all the safety equipment needed to perform their tasks optimally within the company’s operations.