More knowledge, better use: delivering organic matter to Huasco farmers

As part of the Agroemprende program, which aims to provide advice and support for the sustainable work of farms in the territory, CMP delivered kilos of organic material to 19 farmers in Huasco and its surroundings.
This contribution, which is characterized for being a high quality material at national level, was granted in parts during the year 2021, yielding significant results to date, with a higher and better production.
The delivery, consigned in the Los Olivos de Bellavista plot, complements the progress of the ‘Efficient Soil Management’ course, through which farmers have been trained to perform a correct analysis of their soils, including different parameters such as texture, structure, porosity, color and PH level, among others.
In this respect, German Rojo, a farmer from the La Arena sector, said that “this support is very good, I received it last year and the yields were 50-70% higher. Of course, it is different now, because we have a better knowledge of the soil, which allows us to generate a follow-up so that the production is improving”.
The farmer Uberlinda Godoy, who belongs to the same sector, explained that “we are very happy with this new support. We have received different contributions, such as fertilizer, which have allowed production to improve and our family’s land to improve. All this has been complemented with the knowledge provided in the soil course”.