More than 80 thousand people visited the Dinosaur Expo

In order to strengthen the enhancement of local heritage as a strategy for the integral development of the territory, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) and the Corporación de Investigación y Avance de la Paleontología e Historia Natural (CIAHN-Atacama) generated an alliance to bring to the territory the exhibition “Dinosaurs, beyond extinction”, from the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN).
The exhibition, considered the largest and most diverse of its kind in the country, visited the towns of Vallenar, Caldera, Copiapó and Coquimbo, where it was visited more than 80,000 neighbors, mainly children.
The exhibition corresponds to a guided tour through the evolution of these fascinating animals, from their origins more than 230 million years ago, to show part of the diversity of their direct descendants, the birds.
The participants saw casts of skeletons, arranged in temporal order, of the most representative species of South American dinosaurs, including the famous Chilesaurus diegosuarezi, one of the most interesting specimens of recent discoveries.
With an impressive staging, “Dinosaurs, Beyond Extinction” delivered an integrating experience, in which extraordinary representations, panels with updated information on the subject and magnificent reconstructions of live appearances were mixed.
In this regard, the general manager of Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Francisco Carvajal, said that “we are very pleased with the great attendance we have had at this exhibition, which has been very educational and didactic for our neighbors and, in particular, the children of the regions of Atacama and Coquimbo. We are culminating a tour that has allowed us to highlight the paleontological culture of our country with national and international activities, and is part of CMP’s commitment to the sustainable development of the territory and its people”.