CMP is recognized for being the first mining company to reach 60% female participation in its executive committee

The president of Women In Mining, Ana Salazar, distinguished the company represented its general manager, Francisco Carvajal, in a ceremony that was also attended by the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams.
Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) received an important recognition for its contribution to inclusion in mining, at the closing of Women’s Month, organized Women in Mining (WIM), with the presence of the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, the National Mining Society (Sonami) and relevant industry actors.
At the event, the president of WIM Chile, Ana Salazar, presented a recognition to Francisco Carvajal, General Manager of CMP, for the high female participation in its staff (16.5%) and, especially, for being the first national mining company to form its Executive Committee with 60% women.
“Diverse teams are talented teams, they add value to organizations. We have various programs that promote the inclusion of women in the different processes of the company, but our great difference with the industry is that, at the level of decision-making, of the executive team, we have made substantial progress and today we have a more than equal committee, therefore, the influence and decision-making is quite marked that diversity,” Francisco Carvajal, general manager of CMP, emphasized.
Currently, CMP has 31% of women in supervisory positions, 30% in leadership and 16.5% of female staff CMP and collaborating companies, in addition to a 0% wage gap between men and women.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, said that “the iron industry is an important industry in our country. Achieving 60% participation in the management board is very relevant. Naturally, among the great aspirations we have in the participation of women, is that they are at all organizational levels. We have already debunked the myth that women were in the administrative sphere. Today we have women in the operation and we can see teams where 60% are already women. So, congratulations. This is the merit of each of the women in building lives who have defied a masculinized industry.”
Diversity & Inclusion at CMP
Along with the recognitions, CMP’s general manager presented the results and great progress that CMP has made since it decided to incorporate more women into its entire value chain, especially in decision-making positions. The executive was emphatic in pointing out that at CMP, diversity and inclusion mean talent and better decision-making, in addition to making the company more productive and with better results for the business.
Along with this, he assured that diversity and inclusion must always go hand in hand to achieve different results and objectives that benefit the company. He stated that it is these teams that generate transversal and global value in companies, not only from the point of view of the business, but also for people and their families, also achieving impacts in the areas of reconciliation of family and personal life.
Women in Mining Chile is a group that seeks to promote the inclusion and professional development of women in all positions of the value chain, empowering and increasing their participation and visibility in the mining industry.
On Thursday, WIM awarded different women leaders and launched the WIM Chile program entitled “Inspiring Women of Chilean Mining 2024”. In addition, the collaboration agreement between Sonami and WIM Chile was signed.
Along these lines, the president of WIM Chile, Ana Salazar, said that “for us it is extremely relevant because it shows that it is indeed possible. Through the information provided Francisco Carvajal, it is demonstrated the tremendous value that CMP places on the diversity and inclusion of women in its processes. When we see that it fills us with pride and we are happy that he can share it with the rest of mining, so it was necessary to recognize it.”