Cristo Minero traffic circle in Tierra Amarilla is reborn with colors and green areas

The restoration and improvement project was developed through a public-private partnership between the municipality of Tierra Amarilla and Compañía Minera del Pacífico.
In order to improve the social infrastructure, development and quality of life of the inhabitants of Tierra Amarilla, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) and the municipality of the commune worked together to restore and improve one of the most iconic places in the area, the Cristo Minero traffic circle in the Ojancos sector. The project involved an investment of close to $230 million, financed CMP.
“This traffic circle is part of the local identity and, of course, for all of us who work in mining, which is why we wanted to be part of its renovation, providing the financing to carry it out, since one of our company’s priorities is the development of the territory and its people. These alliances are an excellent way to materialize this type of initiatives, which are very useful and have a meaning for the community”, explained Makarina Orellana, CMP Operations Manager, who was present at the inauguration.
The design of the project was the responsibility of the Municipal Planning Secretariat (Secplan) of the Municipality of Tierra Amarilla, which also managed and guided its development, executed CMP by the end of 2023.
The mayor of the commune, Cristóbal Zúñiga, said that “this is a great contribution of CMP, I would say one of the most important we have had for the development of the community, being the nerve center and the heart of Tierra Amarilla. Everyone passes through here and it symbolizes something very important, our history, beliefs and mining identity. Today this place is seen as a beautiful postcard, which changes the face of the territory and without the company it would not have been possible. uy
The renovation also included the painting of sills, restoration of the base and the statue of Cristo Minero, removal and replacement of cameras, soil treatment and the creation of a floral landscape. In addition to ornamentation and equipment to revitalize the iconic sector of the commune.
The president of the Junta de Vecinos Vertientes 1 de Tierra Amarilla, Viviana Cerda, who lives in front of the traffic circle, commented on how this work changed the face of the sector.
“It is a huge change, much safer, we are very happy for the project that was done through the municipality in conjunction with CMP. If one compares how the traffic circle was before and now, it is a thousand percent change. It is beautiful, clean, we have green areas, lights and the restoration of the Mining Christ is wonderful. I thank you on behalf of all our neighbors and the whole commune”.
It is important to note that, unlike other works, this implementation did not use synthetic grass, but natural grass, including the use of 1,945 cubic meters of sand and leaf soil.