We will be part of UCN’s first External Advisory Council of Linking with the Environment

The constitution of the First External Advisory Council of the Universidad Católica del Norte, in which the General Manager of CMP Francisco Carvajal participated, is a sign of the co-responsibility and commitment of the UCN with the territories of which it is part, and will serve as a permanent feedback channel on the needs of the environment, in order to safeguard the relevance of teaching and research and, therefore, of the contribution that the University makes to the country.
In this regard, the Rector of UCN, Dr. Rodrigo Alda Varas, said that “this instance will allow our institution to generate an intersectoral articulation, strengthening ties with public and private organizations. Fundamentally, from the work done with the representatives we will be able to respond and anticipate the challenges presented to us the communities of the regions of Antofagasta and Coquimbo, through activities, programs and projects of Linking with the Environment, a task of crucial importance for our University”, emphasized the authority.
Francisco Carvajal, General Manager of CMP, said. “We believe that here we can talk about the visions we have in this future development. We hope that this is also reflected in the vision of our students, so that they not only have the vision of the academy, but something much more complementary”.
Public-private work
The Regional Governor of Coquimbo, Krist Naranjo, highlighted the joint actions that can be carried out with this university for the benefit of major projects and regional problems, with special emphasis on those related to health and water scarcity, “we were able to see several focuses of our region that are fundamental, the issue of health was one of the topics discussed, and the water crisis that we are facing as a region; We believe that the professionals that exist in UCN can support us in these aspects and we have to strengthen alliances together, this Advisory Council with UCN comes to lend us this linkage”.
The first session of the entity was held jointly between Coquimbo and Antofagasta, and was an instance of knowledge, consultation, analysis and exchange of ideas. Also, the meeting was organized the General Directorate of Linkage with the Environment of the UCN, and included a complete presentation of the policy of linkage that the institution carries out.
“For Universidad Católica del Norte this is one of the steps we must take in relation to the link with the environment, which is bidirectional in nature. We receive what the environment can give us and at the same time we deliver, as a university community, all our knowledge and know-how to the community,” said the Vice Rector of the Campus, Dr. Elvira Badilla.
Ricardo Díaz, Regional Governor of Antofagasta; Krist Naranjo, Regional Governor of Coquimbo; José Antonio Díaz, Executive Director of Fundación Minera Escondida; Leonardo González, General Manager of Minera Antucoya; Francisco Carvajal, General Manager of Compañía Minera del Pacífico; Tamara Leves, President of Women in Mining Chile; Jaime Carmona, Executive Director of Fundación Madre Josefa and Jorge Díaz, President of Asociación Alumnos UCN.
The instance will be chaired the Rector of the UCN, Dr. Rodrigo Alda and integrated by the Academic Vice Rector, Dr. Nelson Fernández; the Vice Rector of Research and Technological Development, Dr. Rodrigo Sfeir and the Vice Rector of Headquarters, Dr. Elvira Badilla. It will also be attended by the General Director of Outreach, Olga María Valdés, as Executive Secretary of CAVIME, and the Secretary of Outreach of Coquimbo Campus, Paula Cavieres.