We are the first private mining company to implement a 40-hour workday.

As of October of this year, Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) became the first private mining company in the country to introduce a 40-hour work week, as has been occurring in different productive sectors nationwide.
Through the implementation of this measure, the company seeks to maintain its productivity, generating flexibility and promoting a better balance between the work, family and personal life of its employees.
This decision was taken after an exhaustive process of analysis and collaborative work between the company and its ten unions, belonging to the three production valleys in the regions of Atacama and Coquimbo. It should be noted that the company has 99% unionization of its teams.
“Today CMP workers and executives agree on the need to improve our work environments, especially considering the vision and voice of the people,” said Francisco Carvajal, general manager of Compañía Minera del Pacífico.
The executive added that “we have the desire to better reconcile work with family and personal life, since 98% of our workers live in the communities where they operate”, this being one of the key factors behind the determination, prior to the parliamentary debate, to reduce the working day from 45 to 40 hours a week.
The measure was welcomed the president of the National Iron and Steel Federation, Carlos Moya, who said: “It is a win-win for us and we appreciate that the company wanted to take this step. As a federation we know that there are still things to be seen, but today we are grateful, as it is important for all the workers. There has been a positive acceptance”.
This recent implementation includes approximately 350 workers corresponding to the administrative area. In the future, according to the company, it is expected to continue working together with the unions, anticipating new changes and considering a sustainable and comprehensive development of CMP, its territories and its people.
In this regard, the Director of Labor, Pablo Zenteno, visited CMP’s Los Colorados Mine, where an intimate ceremony was held to celebrate the first week of this new modality. “We highlight this initiative of the company in conjunction with its union leaders, which is in line with guaranteeing decent work for its workers and the company’s employees.
The company’s employees, and to be able to better reconcile their work and personal lives,” she said.