Sonami distinguishes the sustainable development of the Magnetite Plant

As part of the commemoration of the Day of the Miner and the Mining Company, the National Mining Society (Sonami) and the Tierra Amarilla Mining Association presented the ‘San Lorenzo’ award to Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) for its commitment to the creation of sustainable mining in the Atacama region.
The institutions recognized the sustainable development of its plant, Planta Magnetita, which is the largest mining recycling project in the country and one of the largest in the world, extracting iron from copper tailings, mostly from Minera Candelaria.
“We were recognized as a large mining company that contributes to the sustainable development of Tierra Amarilla and Atacama, through the Magnetite Plant, an example of circular economy and sustainable operation,” said Francisco Carvajal, general manager of CMP, who also emphasized that in 2021 this project processed 19.1 million metric tons of tailings.
It should be noted that 100% of the water supply for the Magnetite Plant comes from ocean sources, and the ore is transported through a 120-kilometer subway concentrator pipeline to CMP’s Punta Totoralillo Port, in the Caldera district.
It also has the potential to receive iron ore and tailings from third parties, coming from small and medium mining in the sector, activating part of the local economy and contributing to the solution of a historical problem in the territory, the unused tailings near the community.
The distinction represented by ‘San Lorenzo’, patron saint of mining, also recognizes the support that the company has given to the Tierra Amarilla Pirquineros. These contributions, carried out through a structured action plan and constant liaison, have made it possible to boost the industry in the territory and promote good practices between the parties.
Thus, in April of this year, the company delivered construction materials to the Tierra Amarilla Association of Pyrenatirists, who mobilized to support the families affected by the bad weather front in the town of Inca de Oro. At the same time, in order to contribute to the improvement of the work space for the use and storage of tools, last year CMP donated
tools, last year CMP donated a container to Minera San Javier, also generating training talks on occupational health and safety.
“At CMP we are convinced that the development of sustainable mining must go hand in hand with the growth of the territories where we have our operations, so working with the Pirquineros de Tierra Amarilla, who also have a very long tradition and history in our country, is a natural process in our work,” added the executive, Francisco Carvajal.
Special guests at the award ceremony included the governor of Atacama, Miguel Vargas Correa; the Undersecretary of Mining, Willy Kracht; the president of Sonami, Diego Hernández; and the president of the Association of Pyro-miners, Joel Carrizo. Small producer Enrique Aracena and the mining group Carola Coemin also received the ‘San Lorenzo’ award.