“We have made profound changes in our organization, with the formation of new work teams, diverse teams: from the perspective of gender, ethnicity, age, professions, experiences. This diversity put at the service of the processes that make us a mining operation with a solid risk management in people, processes and assets, dresses us in long pants to successfully face the challenges of the business”.
Francisco Carvajal Palacios, Chief Executive Officer, Compañía Minera del Pacífico
Sustainability Report 2023
CMP considers transparency in the communication of its actions and management of utmost importance, which is why it is pleased to present its Sustainability Report for the year 2023. The central focus of this report is the territories, representing a tangible commitment to its strategic partners, as well as to people. This document reflects CMP’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and its contribution to global efforts for sustainable development.
Our attributes
Where are CMP's operations

Our products
- Pellet feed
- Pellet
- Basic or self-funding
- Direct reduction
- Chip
- Chalk
- Fine

Our achievements in 2023
During 2023, CMP signed a commercial agreement in the electricity supply contract with company Guacolda SpA, in which it agrees to anticipate the closing of the current coal-based contract to December 2025, to give way to a new renewable energy supply.

In 2023, 17 million tons of iron products were shipped in the three ports.

CMP has an EBITDA of around
907 (kUS$) per year.

The executive committee is made up of 60% women.
In 2023, 47% of new hires were women, raising female participation to 14%.

In Huasco we were able to reduce emissions around 98% and air quality has improved.
3,343 CO2 emissions avoided with the migration from fuel buses to electric buses

In the Copiapó valley, 100% desalinated and recirculated water is already being used.
Thanks to the “Filtered Tailings Deposit” project, CMP has been able to reduce fresh water consumption from the Huasco River by 28%.

In order to promote shared growth between the artisanal fishing sector of Caldera and CMP, we signed a collaboration agreement, which directly benefits 1,300 members.

Arrival of the first hybrid vessel that allows a 43% reduction in CO2 emissions

Installation of 4 hydroacoustic buoys in Chile together with Acústica Marina.

Valorization of 224,826 kg of End-of-Life Tires in 2023, meeting the goals established law and receiving recognition from Bridgestone for exceptional compliance.
Reuse of 35,480 kg of historical end-of-life tires and recycling of 42,330 kg, transforming them into rubber pallets for CMP sports gyms.
Sustainability Report 2023
In its twenty-second (22nd) sustainability report, CMP reports on the management of its environmental, social, economic and governance impacts. The information contained in the report covers the company’s operations from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
The report has been prepared in accordance with the Core option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, which provides standardized indicators -material aspects- to measure the degree of environmental and social responsibility of a company in relation to its surroundings. The GRI standards are directly linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established the United Nations.
Download our Sustainability Report 2023 or access its content chapters:


Mining business development
Mining business development

Territorial Management
Territorial Management


Innovation and Future
Innovation and Future

Development of people with diversity
Development of people with diversity

Organizational management for sustainability
Organizational management for sustainability

Strategic Sustainability Priorities
Strategic Sustainability Priorities

Financial Statements